S. No. | Description of Topic |
1. | To investigate the effect of nozzle size on the radial distribution of water from a rotary sprinkler. |
2. | To investigate the effect of pressure on the radial distribution of water from a rotary sprinkler. |
3. | To investigate the effect of height of riser on the radial distribution of water from a rotary sprinkler. |
4. | To determine the coefficient of uniformity for a drip irrigation system. |
5. | To visualize the flow lines |
6. | To investigate the flow net construction. |
7. | To investigate the seepage flow rate underneath a sheet pile wall. |
8. | To determine uplift pressure on foundation on hydraulic structure. |
9. | To change uplift pressure on foundation of hydraulic structure by changing length of flow lines. |
10. | To reduce or eliminate uplift pressure by providing drainage. |
11. | To measure discharge by float method |
12. | To measure discharge using current meter. |
13. | Introduction to CROPWAT software. |
14. | Determination of CWR (Crop water requirements) for a general crop using CROPWAT. |
15. | Determination of CWR (Crop water requirements) for rice crop using CROPWAT. |
16. | To perform an open-ended lab. |